Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Yeah!Im back.Sorry for not posting cos was lazyyyyyy.I had 1 Special Guest in my shown in my Tag board as i deleted his/her message.

Hello Guest i had deleted your message.Why don't you put your name? Are you a coward or what and did i offend you?

This is the guest IP-

Sorry for not posting cos was doing smth else sorry.Bye.

let's talk in black&white
8:21 AM

Friday, August 29, 2008

hmm..lets start in school bah..stay back till 2.45 then go for remedial till 4.00 then was walking through hall with gabriel&nicholas..then when gabriel talking to alfie...i suddenly laugh and i *pui* all the water from my mouth someore SWEET DRINKS then the security standing below me then all the water split on his hair and shirt then got scolded then we all keep laughing then i keep say sorry to the guard and went down to canteen,was throw the bottle to the dustbin from a far place then keep throwing the guard keep kp me then the last throw i throw VERY hard...Come Here BOY!Mr ho said....then i walk to him then he say alot fei hua what my class,what my name and he said he rmb my face..so?then he said GET OUT OF HERE NOW!!then me and my friends all run...then no more liao lo...hmm..i think nothing to post liao...byebye!

let's talk in black&white
5:17 AM

Just me

Simply you


Grant me now

Sweet Escape

patrick star(:


tag board. cbox recommended(:

Any music

remove this if you want. :D

the past

August 2008
September 2008


Designer: Jenny


The GirlY

This year 11,Konghwaiian.


Tagboard code here;D

Links Y

Carrine ClassBloq Eesuan Sinyao

Credits Y

Designer: denyinglov-e
Basecodes : MINIPINKZ
Host : Blogskins, Blogger
Cursor : Doris Chu



A good score for exam.

August 2008
September 2008

♥Love once come.♥
-` I wish to had a new comp.
-` Wish to have a HandPhone.
